The paper looks back to the development of the concept of Physical Literacy with reference to its roots in Existentialist and Phenomenological thinking.
Reading the Game: Introducing the Notion of Games Literacy
Games form the cornerstone of many physical Education programs. As a result they provide an important vehicle to achieve important health outcomes.
Physical Literacy – A Debate
The intention of this paper is to stand back from current physical education practice and take a broad philosophical view of the fundamental goals of PE.
Developing Physical Literacy
This paper presents an outline of the philosophical underpinning of the concept of Physical Literacy and proposes a definition for the concept.
How Does the Concept of Physical Literacy Affect What Is and Might Be the Practice of Physical Education?
This paper investigates the impact of a Physical Education (PE) approach based on the concept of Physical Literacy (PL).
The Concept of Physical Literacy [EJPE]
The intention of this paper is to open a debate on the concept of Physical Literacy.
The Concept of Physical Literacy
This paper introduces the concept of Physical Literacy and poses a series of questions in relation to the further development of the concept.
Physical Literacy – A Developing Concept
The concept of Physical Literacy as currently defined is presented and compared with the notion of being ‘physically educated’.
Physical Literacy as a Human Intelligence and as a Human Capability
How does physical literacy relate to other areas of human potential?
Philosophical Considerations in Relation to Developing a Sense of Self, Universality and Propositional Knowledge
This paper considers the implications of objectifying the body.